
RAC roundtable highlights industry issues

A refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) contractors roundtable held in Adelaide recently highlighted a number of key issues currently facing the industry. The meeting followed on from a similar event in Sydney.

The Chair of the Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) Michael Bennett says the sessions are a great opportunity to connect with the broader industry and take their issues on board.

The meeting brought together RAC contractors, industry groups, the ARC and the government. Together, the group highlighted:

  • The importance of auditing of split-system air conditioner installations and auditing of licence holders who don’t hold a refrigerant trading authorisation.
  • A need for increasing the focus on transport refrigeration – review of qualifications/training, current transitional licences, and the potential for unqualified work in this sector.
  • How flammable refrigerants can be better managed in the industry.
  • That the restricted split system licence is necessary, as there is not enough full RAC licence holders to install the approximately one million split system air conditioners being purchased each year. Indeed, some attendees employ restricted licence holders in their businesses.
  • The ARC is concerned about refrigerant being able to be purchased for out-of-scope works.

The ARC also discussed what could be done to make the industry more visible, such as building on the consumer awareness foundations already in place.

“We will look to how the ARC can be of better value to the industry and how we can help contractors and businesses manage some of the key issues,” says Bennett. “These industry round-table events will enable us to do this better.”

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