
Liquid tribute to James Harrison

A Geelong brewery has launched a new craft beer to celebrate the achievements of Australia’s refrigeration pioneer James Harrison.

Harrison’s Rocky Point Dark Lager is a special release from the Southern Bay Brewery. According to general manager Michael Connell, the brew was suggested by the Geelong and Region Branch of the National Trust, which recently held a James Harrison exhibition as part of Geelong Design Week. The brewery is also located within sight of Point Henry, where Harrison lived out his final days, making it particularly appropriate.

The label notes that the beer’s flavours “are inspired by the rich malty ales and smoky peated whisky of Scotland, where James was born”.

After making the trek from his native Scotland to the Australian colonies, Harrison charted a life of extraordinary achievement. Among his many accomplishments were the founding of The Geelong Advertiser – now Australia’s second-longest continuously running newspaper – and the creation of ice via mechanical means.

The Harrison-inspired beer arrives on shelves just in time for celebrations of James Harrison birthday on April 17.

The Australian Institute of Air Conditioning Refrigeration and Heating (AIRAH) marks the day each year, paying tribute to the inventor. AIRAH also awards the James Harrison Medal at the AIRAH Awards each year, in honour of the highest levels of achievement in the Australian HVAC&R industry.

“James Harrison is the Institute’s guiding light,” says AIRAH. “He laid the foundation for the Australian HVAC&R industry as the first person to create ice via mechanical means.

“Today, and throughout the year, AIRAH encourages recognition of the many people and organisations who contribute their time, energy, creativity, innovation and countless hours to deliver HVAC&R products, services and facilities in communities around the world.”

To read more about James Harrison’s life and achievements, click here.

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